Seasonality and the Coexistence of Pathogen Strains The American Naturalist
Viggo Andreasen, Greg Dwyer
Can Eco-Evo Theory Explain Population Cycles in the Field? The American Naturalist
Greg Dwyer, Joseph R. Mihaljevic, and Vanja Dukic
Spatial variability in generalist predation on the Douglas-fir tussock moth. USDA Forest Service Research Note.
Charlotte Hovland, Carlos M Polivka, Greg Dwyer, Kirsten C Skalisky
Use of a mechanistic growth model in evaluating post-restoration habitat quality for juvenile salmonids. PLoS One
CM Polivka, JR Mihaljevic, G Dwyer
An empirical test of the role of small-scale transmission in large-scale disease dynamics. American Naturalist
JR Mihaljevic, CM Polivka, CJ Mehmel, C Li, V Dukic, G Dwyer
Stochasticity and infectious disease dynamics: density and weather effects on a fungal insect pathogen. American Naturalist
CH Kyle, J Liu, ME Gallagher, V Dukic, G Dwyer
Combined effects of natural enemies and competition for resources on a forest defoliator: a theoretical and empirical analysis. American Naturalist
ME Gallagher, G Dwyer
Untangling the dynamics of persistence and colonization in microbial communities. The ISME journal
SL Ranjeva, JR Mihaljevic, MB Joseph, AR Giuliano, G Dwyer
Using insect baculoviruses to understand how population structure affects disease spread. Wildlife Disease EcologyBD Elderd, G Dwyer
Detection of low levels of baculovirus for outbreak-terminating epizootics in defoliating insects. Res. Note. PNW-RN-580.
S Carran, CM Polivka, JR Mihaljevic, G Dwyer
Before 2018
Effects of multiple sources of genetic drift on pathogen variation within hosts. PLoS biology
DA Kennedy, G Dwyer
Recurring infection with ecologically distinct HPV types can explain high prevalence and diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Sylvia L Ranjeva, Edward B Baskerville, Vanja Dukic, Luisa L Villa, Eduardo Lazcano-Ponce, Anna R Giuliano, Greg Dwyer, Sarah Cobey
Eco-evolutionary theory and insect outbreaks. The American Naturalist
DJ Páez, V Dukic, J Dushoff, A Fleming-Davies, G Dwyer
Environmental persistence of a pathogen used in microbial insect control. Res. Note. PNW-RN-573.
KM Polivka, G Dwyer, CJ Mehmel
Genotype‐by‐genotype interactions between an insect and its pathogen. Journal of evolutionary biology
AI Hudson, AE Fleming‐Davies, DJ Páez, G Dwyer.
Tracer experiment and model evidence for macrofaunal shaping of microbial nitrogen functions along rocky shores. Biogeosciences
CA Pfister, MA Altabet, S Pather, G Dwyer.
Phenotypic variation in environmental persistence of a baculovirus and the cost of virulence. The American Naturalist.
A. Fleming-Davies, and G. Dwyer.
Effects of host heterogeneity on pathogen diversity and evolution. Ecology Letters.
A. Fleming-Davies, and G. Dwyer.
Pathogen exposure affects life history variation in the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
D. Paez, A. Fleming-Davies, and G. Dwyer.
The effects of forest spatial structure on insect outbreaks: insights from host-parasitoid models. The American Naturalist
J.S. Hughes, C. A. Cobbold, K. Haynes, and G. Dwyer.
The effects of the avoidance of infectious hosts on infection risk in an insect-pathogen interaction. 2015. The American Naturalist 185(1): 100-112
Eakin, L., M. Wang and G. Dwyer
Kennedy, D. A., V. Dukic, and G. Dwyer. 2014. Pathogen growth in insect hosts: inferring the importance of different mechanisms using stochastic models and response time data. The American Naturalist. 184(3): 407-423.
B. D. Elderd, G. Dwyer & V. Dukic., 2013. Population-level differences in disease transmission: A Bayesian analysis of multiple smallpox epidemics. Epidemics 5 ( 3): 146-156.
Fuller, E., B. D. Elderd, and G. Dwyer. 2012. Pathogen persistence in the environment and insect-baculovirus interactions: disease-density thresholds, epidemic burnout and insect outbreaks. The American Naturalist 179:70-96.
L.G. Barrett, T. Bell, G. Dwyer, and J. Bergelson. 2011. Cheating, trade-offs and the evolution of aggression in a natural pathogen population. Ecology Letters 14:1149-1157.
B.J. Parker, B. D. Elderd, and G. Dwyer. 2010. Host behaviour and exposure risk in an insect–pathogen interaction. Journal of Animal Ecology 79:863-870.
Abbott, K. C. and G. Dwyer. 2008. Using mechanistic models to understand synchrony in forest insect populations: the North American gypsy moth as a case study. The American Naturalist 172:613-624.
B. D. Elderd, J. Dushoff, and G. Dwyer. 2008. Host-pathogen interactions, insect outbreaks, and natural selection for disease resistance. The American Naturalist 172:829-842.
B. D. Elderd, J. Dushoff, and G. Dwyer. 2008. Host-pathogen interactions, insect outbreaks, and natural selection for disease resistance. The American Naturalist 172:829-842.
Abbott K. C. and G. Dwyer. 2007. Food limitation and insect outbreaks: complex dynamics in plant-herbivore models. Journal of Animal Ecology 76:1004-1014.
Drury, K. L. S., J. M. Drake, D. M. Lodge D. M, and G. Dwyer. 2007. Immigration events dispersed in space and time: factors affecting invasion success. Ecological Modelling 206:63-78.
B. D. Elderd, V. M. Dukic, and G. Dwyer. 2006. Uncertainty in predictions of disease spread and public-health responses to bioterrorism and emerging diseases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103(42): 15693-15697.
Crozier, L. G., and G. Dwyer. 2006. Combining population-dynamic and ecophysiological models to predict climate-induced insect range shifts. The American Naturalist 167: 853-866.
Dwyer, G. and W. F. Morris. 2006. Resource-dependent dispersal and the speed of biological invasions. The American Naturalist 167 (2): 165-176.
K. L. S. Drury and G. Dwyer. 2005. Combining stochastic models with experiments to understand the dynamics of monarch butterfly colonization. The American Naturalist 166: 731-750.
D’Amico, V., J. S. Elkinton, J. P. Buonaccorsi, and G. Dwyer. 2005. Pathogen clumping: an explanation for non-linear transmission of an insect virus. Ecological Entomology 30: 383-390.
Dwyer, G., J. Firestone, and T. E. Stevens. 2005. Should models of disease dynamics in herbivorous insects include the effects of variability in host-plant foliage quality? The American Naturalist 165:16-31.
Dwyer, G., J. Dushoff, and S. Harrell Yee. 2004. The combined effects of pathogens and predators on insect outbreaks. Nature 430:341-345. (This article was featured in Nature’s News and Views section: L. Stone. 2004. Population ecology: A three-player solution. Nature 430:299-300.)
Dushoff, J. and G. Dwyer. 2001. Evaluating the risks of engineered viruses: Modeling pathogen competition. Ecological Applications 11 (6): 1602-1609.
Bergelson, J., G. Dwyer, and J.J. Emerson. 2001. Models and data on plant-enemy coevolution. Annual Review of Genetics 35: 469-499.
Dwyer, G., J. Dushoff, J.S. Elkinton, and S.A. Levin. 2000. Pathogen-driven insect outbreaks revisited: building models from experimental data. The American Naturalist 156 (2): 105-120.
E.A. Stahl, G. Dwyer, R. Mauricio, M. Kreitman, and J. Bergelson. 1999. Dynamics of disease resistance polymorphism at the Rpm1 locus of Arabidopsis. Nature 400: 667-671.
Hunter, A. F. and G. Dwyer. 1998. Insect population explosions synthesized and dissected. Integrative Biology 1(5):166-177.
Dwyer,G., J.S. Elkinton , and A.E. Hajek. 1998. Spatial scale and the spread of a fungal pathogen of gypsy moth. The American Naturalist 152: 485-494.
V. D’Amico, J.S. Elkinton, G. Dwyer, R.B. Willis, and M.E. Montgomery. 1998. Foliage damage does not affect within-season transmission of an insect virus. Ecology 79: 1104-1110.
G. Dwyer, J.S. Elkinton, and J.P. Buonaccorsi. 1997. Host heterogeneity in susceptibility and disease dynamics: tests of a mathematical model. The American Naturalist 150: 685-707. (For this paper I received the Mercer Award of the Ecological Society of America).
W.F. Morris and G. Dwyer. 1997. Population consequences of constitutive and inducible plant resistance: herbivore spatial spread. The American Naturalist 149: 1071-1090.
V. D’Amico, J.S. Elkinton, G. Dwyer, J.P. Burand, and J. P. Buonaccorsi. 1996. Virus transmission in gypsy moths is not a simple mass-action process. Ecology 77: 201-206.
Elkinton, J. S., G. Dwyer, and A. Sharov. 1995. Modelling the epizootiology of gypsy moth nuclear polyhedrosis virus. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 13:91-102.
Dwyer, G. and J. S. Elkinton. 1995. Host dispersal and the spatial spread of insect pathogens. Ecology 76:1262-1275.
Dwyer, G. and J.S. Elkinton. 1993. Using simple models to predict virus epizootics in gypsy-moth populations. Journal of Animal Ecology 62:1-11.
Dwyer, G. 1992. On the spatial spread of insect pathogens: theory and experiment. Ecology 73:479-494.
Dwyer, G. 1991. The roles of density, stage and patchiness in the transmission of an insect virus. Ecology 72(2):559-574.
Dwyer, G., S.A. Levin, and L. Buttel. 1990. A simulation model of the population dynamics and evolution of myxomatosis. Ecological Monographs 60:423-447